Thursday, December 5, 2013


I wanted to take a couple photos before this blog post to capture my life these past 2-3 weeks. I wanted to make a photo diary type of post. With less words (not sure how this is going to work out) and more photographs. These past few weeks have been pretty great and memorable. I reunited with old friends; Ashley and Alexis (Ashley was actually on the amazing race this season so we had a TON to talk about it). It's always great to have friends over in our apartment and entertain. We did a lot of entertaining that night, so much that we actually got our first noise complaint! WHOOPS! Trying to keep this post short! In these 3 weeks I finally went to an estate sale with my good friend Koko,we have been talking about going and it actually happened! I love estate sales and seeing how people lived, we went to a FABULOUS one. I was fangirling hard, it was a well known doctor that was friends with the one and only MICHAEL JACKSON. I'm talking legit MJ pieces (he actually had a room in this estate), VERSACE PILLOWS AND ROBES. DEAD. On a brighter note, our stationery shop Palm Tree Punk  handmade decorations and invitations for my little cousins 1 year birthday party. Follow us on instagram @palmtreepunk! We also went to the launch of our good friend Onch's Hello Kitty collaboration, and danced the night away at my friends 20th birthday celebration! We ended the festivities by celebrating Black Friday with a gold themed dinner party. Victor cooked a delicious turkey, mashed potatoes, and stuffing! I am a LUCKY GUY :) Enjoy the photos below!

*P.S DIY TIP: we covered our table with wrapping paper! Simple, creative, and a quick clean up!*

My nephew is so photogenic! I LOVE HIM!

I guess I'm not too good at this whole "less words" thing!