Monday, September 17, 2012


This weekend was simply AMAZING! I was anxiously waiting for the weekend to come because Victor had planned a pre bday activity, that was top secret, and I had no idea what it was. Saturday morning arrived and we woke up super early, and headed out to a secret location. Victor punched in the address to my GPS and there I went, driving wherever my GPS told me to.
7:00 AM • en route to surprise pre bday activity
driving down a sketchy road, a bit woried.
crossing over a bridge, nerves at full force now.
Finally after driving for 30 minutes a little OVER AN HOUR we arrived! The funny thing was that even after reading the name of the place I wasn't sure what it was. I immediately asked Victor (super excited) if we were going to look for dinosaur fossils! As a kid I was OBSESSED with dinosaurs and loved anything dino (including the dino chicken nuggets!), so my first thought was that we were doing something dinosaur related but Victor just laughed, told me no and was surprised that I still hadn't guessed what it was that we were going to do. It literraly took me a while to realize where we were, I figured it out once we went up to the registration table! So the top secret activity we were doing that day was... wait for it... wait for it... ZIP LINING! I was super excited but even held back a bit because I didn't want to fan girl (freakout) in front of the manager! haha
Skull Canyon
all smiles, waiting for the rest of our zip line group!
decked out in zip lining gear!

 After getting all our zip lining gear, the pro zip liners trained us and took us for a practice zip line. See Victor below:

 After our zip lining training it was time for a 10 minute hike, and the real fun stuff:
driving up to our hike

Victor about to take off
Zip lining took a total of 90 minutes and it was exhilarating, thrilling, and tons of fun! The closest I've gotten to feeling like flying! There were different lengths and heights zip lines, and we even had a competition to see who could get the most leafs off a tree. I took off a total of 4 leafs! Victor, 0. I can't wait to do it again!

After our zip line experience we were tired and starving! We ended up going to Chili's, and feasting on all of this:
notice Victor in the background, pen in hand, writing down my family tree.
After Chili's we drove to my house and spent the rest of the day relaxing, catching up on our favorite shows, and cozy cuddling!
Victor looking up DIY blogs, and watching the hilarious movie Date Night.
Sunday morning I woke up next to him again and it just felt perfect, I love hugging him while he sleeps:
my morning view
This weekend was like nothing I have ever experienced, it was exciting, adventurous and something new that we both experienced. Victor is not a fan of roller coasters, let alone heights, (as oppose to me) but to see him take on zip lining for me was INCREDIBLE to say the least. I have no words to describe the feeling I got seeing him throw his hands up in the air as he flew across the sky. It was a feeling of happiness, a proud feeling because he did something out of his comfort zone and he enjoyed it and made the best of it. No one and I mean NO ONE has ever done that for me, he is truly the best boyfriend ever. I would have never guessed that he would take me ZIP LINING for my birthday, and that he would put himself out there like that for me! Lately my focus has been on the development of memories, and how what we experience in the present will transcend into a memory , into a third person perspective. The fact that both him and I experienced something totally new to us, and made a brand new memory together means so much to me. I will forever remember this weekend and how amazing it felt to be with him all weekend long, enjoying his company, acting silly with him, and waking up with him.

• To more memories to come •

want to experience zip lining? Click here for more info: skullcanyon


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