Last week Victor and I walked the streets of our neighborhood for Koreatown 'Art Walk'. Koreatown Art Walk takes place every last Thursday of each month. It was our first time, we have gone to the Downtown LA art walk but this art walk is totally different. The art walk in downtown is huge with blocks and blocks of local artists showcasing, and food trucks lined up along the curbs. Ktown art walk is different in the way that it is set up and this probably has to do with it just starting a couple months back. I'm sure tons more artists will start showcasing and the number of people attending will grow as well. I enjoyed the map we received at The Wiltern with 5 galleries/restaurants/studios that were participating. It was fun to look at the map and see where we were headed to. We ended up going to 3 of them and the best one was the studio of Ann Bridges (which I took most photos of). Her work is amazing and she was super sweet! Most of her work is inspired by the buildings in Koreatown, we even saw a painting that featured our apartment building. After spending a few minutes looking at her work she invited us outside to take in the incredible view of Los Angeles. Victor and I were camera crazy; taking photos of Wilshire Boulevard, Hollywood, and Koreatown. The last bad quality photo is from this guy who asked to take a photo of us two, not the best but I still like it! I'm so glad we took the time to support our community and explore our city. Can't wait for next months!