Tuesday, April 16, 2013


A mutual friend of ours made us these 

amazing collages:

This week I wanted to make a post about cute favorite 'knick knacks' that we have in our apartment. I've had this post in mind for a while but kept putting it off. I finally took photos of some of my favorite pieces. Our apartment is still not fully done (decoration wise) but the small stuff we do have we make it work. I give most of the credit to Victor. He pretty much puts things together and it totally works. We have a lot of pop of color, lots of orange, green and pink. I remember going to Victors old studio when we first started dating and loving the decor so I trust his decorating ideas. I love the 'Life is beautiful' piece, it's Victors beautiful writing and that actually hangs right above our bed. I think it's a great reminder to enjoy life and appreciate what we have. The collages were a Christmas gift to us from a mutual friend. Side story regarding this mutual friend, I actually met her at work and when I started talking to Victor and his mom about her we found out that they knew each other but had lost contact. Weird how life works out and how small the world is. She picked some of her favorite photos of us, made these two collages and framed them. We were so surprised when we saw them, a lot of these photos we both had forgotten about. It was a very thoughtful gift and we appreciate it so much. I am planning on making a video of our apartment soon so keep an eye out for that! Now I have to work on a small project for Victors birthday that is coming up!

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